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  • Writer's pictureameliadress

A Prayer for Illumination

Updated: Aug 9

In some traditions, a prayer for illumination is said in worship before the scripture reading. It's a prayer for clarity and wisdom as people prepare to listen to the sacred text of the Bible. I intentionally wrote this one in a way that it can be used as other times as well--there are so many places where we need God's light to help us see better.

God of ongoing revelation, who spoke to ancient prophets and speaks to modern prophets,

Speak to us today.

Open our minds to your wisdom, that in words of yesterday we may find guidance for today.

Open our hearts to your love, that we may measure all things by the way Jesus walked,

And open our souls to the peace that passes all understanding, so we are emboldened to encounter you in a new way.

We pray this in the name of all that is Holy.

Copyright Amelia Richardson Dress: permission to us in worship settings is given, for other uses please contact the author

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